Tips on Crafting a Scholarship Application that Wins Awards

Tips on Crafting a Scholarship Application that Wins Awards

 Tips on Crafting a Scholarship Application that Wins Awards

Following years of work experience in her field, Kerri Chalmers (Welder ’09) returned to NAIT to pursue her Bachelor of Business Administration — Management. Money was tight. In addition to tuition and books, she had a family to support and mortgage to pay, which only added to her financial stress.

Although it felt intimidating initially, Chalmers applied for every scholarship and bursary she was eligible for. “I think one of the obstacles that deters students from applying is the amount of time it takes,” says Chalmers, now entering her third year of study. But the effort can yield great results. Chalmers was granted $5,300 — enough to cover tuition and fees for an entire school year.

With 4,000 scholarships and bursaries available, there are numerous opportunities for similar accomplishments. However, competition is fierce and increasing. This means it is vital for students to perfect their applications. We sought advice from Chalmers and Michelle Graham, the administrator in charge of NAIT scholarships and bursaries, for strategies on how to create an application that wins awards.

1. Avoid Procrastination

Acquiring the necessary information takes time, so don’t postpone it until the last minute, recommends Graham. Take a look at NAIT’s comprehensive list of available awards to review the criteria for applications. At the very least, you could revise your resumé or CV, get in touch with your references, and establish your personal budget for the semester.

When it comes to references, carefully consider individuals who can enthusiastically vouch for why you are the ideal candidate for an award. Chalmers asked her references for letters of recommendation well in advance of application deadlines. “It’s crucial to have someone who can advocate for you strongly,” she says.

2. Adhere to the Instructions

Thoroughly read and follow all the instructions, making sure to include all requested information. “Failure to fully comply with the instructions or provide complete information can harm your chances,” advises Graham. “It’s important to address each required point and provide examples whenever possible.”

Applications are reviewed based on key information that determines whether you qualify for specific awards, so be specific about how you meet the criteria. “The more relevant information you provide, the better the selection committee can evaluate your application,” adds Graham. “Clearly convey your ideas and demonstrate why you are the strongest candidate.”

3. Remain Calm and Keep Writing

If your application requires an essay, there’s no need to panic. Let the essay question guide you, paying attention to specific keywords, says Chalmers.

“If you’re applying for an award that asks how you exhibit leadership, make sure to use the word ‘leadership’.” It may seem obvious, but it’s a crucial element of success. “Be sure to incorporate unique experiences that set you apart from the competition,” she adds.

At the same time, keep your essay concise. Avoid writing a lengthy novel, advises Graham.

4. Leverage Your Strengths

Similar to crafting a winning resumé or cover letter, scholarship applications are about presenting yourself in the most favorable light to a specific audience. “I approach it like a resumé and tailor it to the specific award application, highlighting specific qualities, just as you would for a job application,” Chalmers says.

She also suggests including personal details that make your application more distinctive. Identify something you are passionate about — whether it’s sports or volunteer experience — and emphasize it.

“I contribute my time to my kids’ schools and preschools because my children are significant to me, so I highlight that experience as something that holds great value.”

5. Double-Check Your Work

Thoroughly reviewing the instructions, questions, and your answers upon completion is crucial for an award-winning application.

What else should you look out for? Ensure your personal and financial information is accurate. And always remember to proofread for spelling and grammar.

Gain more knowledge about NAIT’s scholarships

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