Index of American Universities Accepting Duolingo Test

Index of American Universities Accepting Duolingo Test

In 2020, as CoVID-19 struck, the dreams of many studying abroad were put on hold. Test centers started cancelling appointments, prompting universities to seek a better alternative.

When lockdowns prevented the administration of traditional English proficiency tests like IELTS and TOEFL, Duolingo stepped in. Previously, you had to go to a test center, but now all you need is a device and a stable internet connection!

With its convenience and many other advantages, Duolingo has become a popular alternative to traditional English proficiency tests. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about the Duolingo English Test (DET).

And if you’re still unsure which test is right for you, Yocket is here to help! With Yocket Premium, you get dedicated, end-to-end, and personalized counseling for studying abroad! We will guide you to make the best decisions to achieve your dream of studying abroad – just a click away.

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  Table of Contents 

  1. Index of American Universities Accepting Duolingo
  2. Reasons to Take Duolingo Test for Studying in the USA
  3. Duolingo Exam Score Requirements
  4. Alternative English Proficiency Tests
  5. Insights from Yocket

Index of American Universities Accepting Duolingo 

Let’s start by exploring the US universities that accept the Duolingo Test. That’s why you’re here, right? 😄

Surprisingly, some of the highest-ranked universities in the US and around the world accept the Duolingo English Test as a measure of English proficiency. Here are just a few examples:

  • Harvard University
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • Yale University
  • Columbia University, New York City
  • University of Chicago, Illinois
  • University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
  • University of California, Davis
  • Cornell University, Ithaca
  • University of California, Los Angeles
  • New York University
  • Duke University, Durham
  • Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh
  • University of California, San Diego
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
  • University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  • Washington University, St. Louis
  • Brown University, Providence

Suggested: Universities Around the World that Accept the Duolingo Test

Reasons to Take the Duolingo Test for Studying in the USA 

While CoVID accelerated the acceptance of DET as an English proficiency test, what makes it one of the preferred choices among students? Let’s find out.

  • Cost-effective: Compared to other alternatives, the Duolingo English Test is cheaper, costing only USD $59 (~₹5,000).
  • Shorter duration: Unlike the 3-hour IELTS and TOEFL tests, the Duolingo English Test only takes 1 hour to complete.
  • Test from home: As mentioned earlier, the Duolingo English Test can be taken from anywhere in the world! All you need is a reliable internet connection and a device.

Suggested: Duolingo vs IELTS vs TOEFL: Which Exam is Best for Studying Abroad? 

Duolingo Exam Score Requirements for American Universities

US universities usually have Duolingo test score requirements ranging from 105-120. A score above 120 is considered quite high and beneficial for graduate study programs such as MBA, MS in Finance, Masters in Civil Engineering, etc.

Suggested: How to Prepare for the Duolingo English Test

Some US universities also require international students to take an English Entrance Exam in addition to submitting English Proficiency Tests. One such university that accepts the Duolingo English Test and requires an English Entrance Test is Stanford University.

With so many universities to choose from, you might feel overwhelmed. But fret not! With Yocket Premium, you receive personalized end-to-end counseling, where universities are tailored to your preferences. With Yocket Premium, you can achieve admission to one of your top-choice universities!

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Alternative English Proficiency Tests 

Although over 1,700 colleges (and counting) in the USA accept Duolingo, there are other standard alternatives to the Duolingo English Test. US universities that accept the Duolingo English Test also accept other English proficiency tests such as:


These exams, especially IELTS and TOEFL, remain popular choices among US universities and students. Their long-standing history as globally recognized English language exams, widespread acceptance, and test structure make them tried, tested, and proven methods for measuring English proficiency.

Insights from Yocket

Remember when you had to choose between taking the IELTS or TOEFL exam? Well, there’s a new contender in town. In a landscape dominated by a few long-standing exams, Duolingo has quickly become a favorite among aspirants. By riding the wave of technology, Duolingo English Test has become a mainstream and viable 3rd option. The ease of taking the exam, the affordability, and the elimination of travel expenses have made it an aspirant-friendly choice. Furthermore, more US universities are accepting the Duolingo Test due to its flexibility and fast results.

Leveraging technology, Duolingo has made English Language Proficiency Tests accessible to almost everyone! With accessibility, affordability, and streamlined processes at its core, the DET is one of the most inclusive English Language Proficiency Tests available.

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